Done abit more work with stan yesterday, started doing abit more like canter work, he got abit stressed, left the gate open just incase and of course he left the arena on our second attempt on the bad rein. We had two vertical rears and suddenly with abit of encouragement we were fine and managed a trot and canter on our bad rein.
Done abit more practice at the mounting block afterwards and he let me on his back with no reins and just stood there like a gem.
Took him out for a hack the day after and he had so much more confidence never wanted to turn around and go home, if anything he wanted to trot half the way.
Had a sit on afterwards when we got back to the yard. And had a walk the yard just just two reins and bare back and couldn't have faulted him hs was foot perfect. It's nice to sit back on stan the man.